
bookCover“This is a charming story for children that vividly points up the way of life in Florida in the early 1900’s. Midgie’s thoughts and reactions are conveyed clearly, and the reader quickly comes to know this little girl and can emphathize with her plight, sympathize with her fears, and experience and enjoy her pleasures.”

“The post cards and captions are a brilliant addition and clearly point up the architecture, dress, and hairstyles of the day. As one chapter connects with the next, the historical background lends an interesting overall theme that embraces all of the characters. The constant sense of family love, concern, and consideration comes through with warmth and sincerity.”

“Love, Midgie is simply just delightful.”

Pauline Furey
author of The Long Man

“This is a touching story for children, parents and grandparents. I just couldn’t put it down. Midgie exhibits all the qualities that we want in our children—family love, independence, appreciation of nature and animals, solid and good values. Yet, she feels the loneliness of a child when she is thrust away from her family due to the sickness of her mother. This story paints a picture of summer in the southeastern United States , how children spent their vacations and how family illness disrupted lives. I loved the story. Thank you for letting me read this wonderful story. This book is a gem!”

“P.S. I will look for another story about Aunt Daisy and Cousin Sarah. They sound so interesting!”

“The old postcards are a nice touch.”

Ruth Knighton Miller
Professor Emeritus
University of Maryland

“Midgie is a refreshing, true story of a young Florida girl with indomitable spirit who meets each challenge as a new adventure. From the first page the reader is caught up in Midgie’s world–a combination of family and friends, as well as a haunted house. The author captures her unshakable spirit–‘Midgie’s magic’–as she moves from one adventure to another. Her postcards in each chapter help the reader visualize the fascinating story of a bright, energetic, young girl. The reader will laugh and cry with this remarkable, young girl and her brother, Henry. The book is a ‘winner.”‘

Dr. Frances Bartlett Kinne
Chancellor Emeritus
Jacksonville University